Importance of Ultra Low Freezers Calibration for Vaccine Storage in Labs

Vaccine temperature monitoring is crucial when it comes to storing any vaccine in Ultra Low Freezers. Storing the vaccine properly protects its ultimate potency. Think about it this way, nobody wants a vaccine that doesn’t have full capability.

Ultra-low freezers are used to store biological samples, such as blood, tissue, and cells, at very low temperatures, typically -80°C or below. This is necessary to preserve the integrity of the samples and prevent them from degrading.

Ultra-low freezers are precision instruments and require regular calibration to ensure that they are operating accurately. Calibration is the process of comparing the accuracy of a measurement device to a known standard. This ensures that the device is reading correctly and that the samples are being stored at the correct temperature.

There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of an ultra-low freezer, including:

* Temperature drift

* Vibration

* Power fluctuations

* Environmental factors, such as humidity and dust

Temperature Calibration helps to identify and correct any of these factors that may be affecting the accuracy of the freezer.

It is important to have your ultra-low freezer calibrated on a regular basis, typically every 6-12 months. This will help to ensure that your samples are being stored at the correct temperature and that the integrity of the samples is being preserved.

Here are some of the benefits of having your ultra-low freezer calibrated:

* You can be confident that your samples are being stored at the correct temperature.

* You can avoid the risk of sample degradation.

* You can comply with regulatory requirements.

* You can extend the life of your freezer.

If you have an ultra-low freezer, it is important to have it calibrated on a regular basis. This will help to ensure that your samples are being stored safely and that your freezer is operating accurately.

To ensure the proper calibration of your lab equipment, seek expert calibration services from Across International.

We're an ISO 17025-accredited calibration and testing laboratory that offers on-site thermal calibration for refrigerators, freezers, ovens, furnaces, and other lab equipment.

We ensure that each machine and instrument is on par with industry standards to deliver accurate results for your lab. Request a quote for our calibration services.